A dyslexic writer laughing at himself ...

Friday, January 6, 2017

A Week of Writing to Start the New Year

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

― Theodore Roosevelt

I'm taking a week off from work to write and edit before classes start back. I'm on my second day, so far, so good. I did a lot of writing the first day. I believe it was somewhere around five to six handwritten pages and a thousand or so typed. I edited three chapters of my first book. I haven't worked on the book for almost six months and I have to said being away from it for so long as given me a new look at it.
I enjoy what I had done with the book so far and I’m very proud of my writing but there is still a lot of work to do.
I wrote two different prologues for the story and I’m going to post, later, the prologue I am not using. When I post it I’ll add some pictures of the editing work and why I’m not using it, but now you have something to look forward too now. (I’m thinking near the end of the month.)
I'm going to try hard with this blog to be raw and unfiltered with my word. I haven't, to be honest with you, put a lot of work into this blog because of a crippling fear I have. My dyslexia make me extreme self-conscious of errors in my writing. Most the time it is errors I can't see or know and my friends along with my family point them out to me. I want them to point these errors out because it's how I learn but to put something online for someone I don't know to read terrific me.
I fully understand that my blog maybe the first and only writing someone may read from me and if the grammar or spelling is off then they might not believe I am a real writer. A belief I have a hard time with most days.
I’m trying hard to dawn the title Dyslexia Writer with some form of confidence.
Grammar and spelling are not the things that make a story great or enjoyable but they are the tools to help make the story better. As Stephen King puts it, "Grammar and spelling are tools you need in your toolbox." He later says you don't always have to use the tools but it's better to know they are there than not to have them at all. You wouldn’t try hammering a nail with a screwdriver. You need a hammer for that. The right tool for the right job, in other words.
 My problem is tow fold. One, my tool box is a little dent up and hard to open. Second is I am missing a few of the tools because the box is too small. I am not trying to say I'm dumb or stupid but to say I understand my blight. I'm fully aware of what my mind does or doesn’t do and how it works. Which is not like everyone’s else and I’m thankful it. By no means would I every want to change how I am. I like me and I like my problems … they are after all mine.
I am the Dyslexia Writer.
I take this title so they can't use it against me. It is mine and I have the power over it. As long as I keep it then they have no power. I also wear it as a shield. Sometimes, my confidence is so fragile with my writing the only way to keep myself going is to shield myself for a little bit.
I’ve taken down many of Facebooks posts out of fear I got something wrong in it. No one said anything to me. I just talked myself into thinking there was something wrong with grammar and spelling. So I took it down. Then again, I’ve had many people point out errors in my posts and I spend some time trying to understand how I got it wrong. I hand write what the errors are and keep them to the side for later uses.
There is a burning want in me to share this struggles with the world. I daydream about being on a T.E.D stage after having published a book talking about how I became a writer in the foolish hope it will would help someone out there. I know, I really do know, it is a foolish dream but it is a dream that makes me smile and gets me through the long days
I can’t name any writers like me. I know they are out there but I feel they are scared to let people know because being a Dyslexia Writer is paradox and contradiction. Plus, it’s really easy to make fun of us and to discouraged us. Many writers who fight this battle hide with it. I don’t blame. I understand why and I have been doing the same for a long time now.
I am trying to set myself as the hero but no means do I want that; I am just trying to share my story. 
So I feel there is someone out there who needs to hear, “You can do it.” I understand how hard it is but you can do it.
If I ever wrote a memoir the main forces of the book would be my fight to become a writer. I think the title would be something like this; ‘Can You Edit This for Me? My battle with dyslexia and my mind.’
So what I'm trying to say is I'm going to spend this year working hard on bringing you into my world with this blog. I'm going to write at least two times a month and really welcome you into my struggle with all of this.  I hope you enjoy it and I hope you come along for the ride.

“Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference. They don't have to make speeches. Just believing is usually enough."
― Stephen King

With a handshake,

My twitter: @CLCurrie1313


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