A dyslexic writer laughing at himself ...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

To My Muse Aphrodite

To My Muse Aphrodite
By: Chase L. Currie

            My muse scolds me for being away too long.
            I let the dancing bears call me to the center, I sing with the wolf in the throes of blood lust by the light of a full moon and I compare scars with the Lizard King over a cup of tea.
She beckons me to take her by the hand – she wishes to show me something new, but I rip my hand away from her saying:

            The last time I took your hand, you gave me wings of wax and asked me to kiss the sun. But you never told me I would get burnt when I did. You let me fall and on the way down I played hopscotch with Icarus until the hard earth softly caught us.
Icarus ran off to tell the Gods how high he got while I sat there to weep over melted wings.
            No, I think, I’ll stay here – play cards with the sleeping lion, throwing stones at the man on the moon with Jack.
            No, my lovely muse, I will not take your hand. I will not fly with you now. I will not fall again …

            But she smiled at me with a little chuckle because she already has me by the hand and leading me out the door.  

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