A dyslexic writer laughing at himself ...

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Big Fish

One of my good friends gave me a button with a fish on it and at the word ‘big’ at the top and now it sits on the back of my cap. I don’t know what he meant by the gift and for the most part I don’t think it matters but here is what I took from it. The first and the most important thing I believe, is the fact I am a story teller. Much like the movie ‘Big Fish’ I tell stories all the time, some of them tall-tales, others actually events that happen to me but all of them close to my heart. Even some of the stories I give to other people are not my own. Some of you can’t believe I steal stories but all stories are best told in the first person and is a gift on to itself, don’t ask where it came from just accept the gift. 
(See the joke works best in first person …
Good Will Hunting - Joke
It is in my very nature to be a story teller. It is literally in my DNA. My ancestors were Bards to the Kings of England. So telling stories is what I am meant to do and like the dying father in ‘Big Fish,’ minus the dying part, the stories never stop coming.

The other reason and this one is coming more from me than anything. I know my friend did not mean it this way but it is what I have taken from it. It is what the big fish means. We all know the story about the big fish in the lake that all the fisherman are trying to catch.
A fish made of legend. The fisherman who grab that monstrous legend is forever written in the pages of history. We are all trying to catch our big fish but sometimes, I think we forget we are someone else’s big fish. There is someone out there who become legendary with us in their lives and what a great idea that is to me. It puts a smile on my face and makes me sleep easy at night.

For most people I want to hear their stories. As much as I love telling stories, I also love hearing them as well, but there are only a few people I want to make stories with, and to me that is what love is all about.

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