Daughter of the Dead
Case 1
Part 6
By: Chase L. Currie
“You work here long?” Icarus asked.
“Yes,” Cameron said with a deep scowl.
“For how long?”
“Two years,” she said. “Are you a cop?”
“Would it matter?” He asked.
“I guess not.” The cops in this shit hole of a city were worst the criminals, at least someone knew where the criminals stood at the end of the day.
“Do you know the name of a bounty hunter who does by Lowell?” Icarus asked.
Cameron glanced out over the bar thinking about calling for help but who would hear over the heavy metal. The better question would anyone matter to her in time? She glanced back at the dwarf with metal arms and said, “Yeah, I know him. He likes all of the girls here.”
“Tell me everything you know about him,” he asked nicely and calmly. She told him more than he needed to know, things like his favorite foods, what he liked to drink, and how he liked to have sex. But most of all she told him how violent the man was and how he had been working for a Death cult in Elfest which was not good news.
After the hour was over, they headed back down into the bar acting as they had a good time and Icarus went back to the bar for another couple of rounds. Once, he found out how much Cameron knew the dark elf he hoped she would run off to tell him, but she might not. If she told anyone about what she had to the dwarf, it might put into the ground faster than her lifestyle.
It wasn’t until he felt the hard press of a gun barrel into his back did the plan work out. He guessed Cameron was stupider than he thought. The poor would be dead by the next morning, either this fool would kill her or his pimp for talking as much as she did. He wondered and felt like it must have been true by how fast the gun was placed against him, the room they were in had cameras in it.
He glanced over his shoulder to find the real-life face of the man he was looking at on the net snarling at him. He smirked drinking the rest of his beer.
“Let’s go,” Lowell hissed into his ear.
Icarus nodded sitting his empty beer bottle down and let the gun led him outside into the alleyway.
“You been asking about me?” Lowell questioned him once they were outside.
“I have,” Icarus said moving his fingers a little to let the invisible magical shield over to like over his body. He could only use the shield rune once before it had to be recharged and now was the time.
“Guess you have a death wish.”
“No, not really,” He said back to the dark elf, “but I do have some questions for you. Like who is this Death cult you are working for?”
“That bitch talks too much,” Lowell growled. “I’m going to have to take of her after I’m done with you.”
“Tell me what I want to know, and I’ll leave alive to do that, son.”
Lowell laughed.
“Where is the body?” Icarus asked stopping Lowell’s laughter and his walk. He turned around to face the tall, dark elf to stare up at him. The elf had to go out of his way to put the gun in his back. “Well?”
Lowell lifted his gun to Icarus’s forehead which wasn’t very high. There was a murderous look in his eyes now. A look of death is coming from the darkest part of his soul to kill Icarus. He said the wrong thing. He asked the question which would end his life if the elf could do it and if he knew about the shield.
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