“Yeah we played 'til
we died, and now we're all dead,
But the man says "You gotta get up there again
And you can't come down 'til the brimstone turns to ice.”
But the man says "You gotta get up there again
And you can't come down 'til the brimstone turns to ice.”
- Graveyard Train “Ballad for Beelzebub”
Dear Reader,
Here I am reading about Order of
the Solar Temple, a cult (here is a good podcast about it: link here),
who ended up like most cults. You know, dead with a lot of dead people around
them, just this time they didn’t drink anything to kill themselves. They used
fire and bullets, not sure which way I would like to go … more than likely
starting with not joining a cult. While a read about these poor folks I’m
eating a bowl of sweet peas for dinner. Now, that might be the oddest thing
about me so far, sweet peas for dinner? Yes, I like sweet peas a lot, ask
anyone I know but most of all my old roommates about love for sweet peas. (It might
be a writer thing.)
But we are not here to talk about
my unusual personal endeavors or what I like to eat, we are here to talk about
the sort of hiatus I’m taking for this summer. But before we get into it let me
tell you a tiny story …
Back in the day when I was in
college for the painting, I was sitting the studio working on a few watercolors
paintings for myself. I spend most of my time between classes in the studio
because I enjoyed being there and my Prof would feed me most of the time. I
mean, she also put me to work after I got fed, which was too much like my
grandmother for comfort now that I think about it.
But one day, when I was working on
a painting, my Prof came over to see what I was doing. She shook her head over
my shoulder, not saying a word, and then walked away a moment later. I had
grown used to the point of having her hover over my shoulder that I didn’t even
think about it or really notice. She was doing her job making sure I was hard
at work, and to see if I needed any help, I didn’t, but it was nice.
A few seconds later, my Prof came
back with a block of watercolor paper older than me. It was a block she got
overseas, I believed from Italy, and she was somewhere in her late twenty. She
handed me the block telling me I could have it and I should use it for now on.
I was shocked, dumbfounded, but I
took it because saying no wasn’t an option.
If none of you have ever worked
with watercolor, then let me tell you it can be very difficult to use. It takes
some time to understand the paint, and at the same time, an understanding the
water will do what it wants no matter how much you try to control it. The best
thing you can do with watercolor paint is to guide it into the places you want,
but –
I found out quickly the quality of
the paper made a world’s of different. It almost made my painting a thousand
times better, and I almost couldn’t believe it. Also, unknown to me at the
time, I can no longer buy cheap watercolor. Now, instead of spending twenty
bucks for a block, I was doomed to spend eighty plus dollars for a single block
of watercolor paper. (This is why artists are poor, by the way.)
With better paper, my work started
to how a higher quality of work to it and this bring me to the point of my hiatus,
at the core of it I want to give you a better quality of stories.
I am stepping back from posting so
heavily on my Writer’s Café for a few months. I’m still going to finish out
this story from the Talon family (The Dead Moon),
but after the story is over, I’m taking a little break. I’m still going to post
here and there, but mostly blogs style works. They are going to be my little
thoughts hitting the web, and I’m thinking about writing up some books review,
movies review, and other reviews I can think of during the day.
There are so many people I talk to
about writing, and I leave the convince thinking about how great the talkings would
be as a blog, but with me having to keep the stories flowing like I am, I don’t
have time to write up the blogs while working on everything else.
And then there are the stories at
the core of this … I want to start giving you guys a high quality of stories than
what I am posting, which means I’m going to have to take some time to work on
my new stories.
I have always said the stories I
post to this site was simply just stories for fun. I didn’t put a lot of work
into them, and I hated going back to edit them. The idea was I would simply
write stories like I was running my on Saturday morning cartoon and JUST be fun,
but they were never meant to be great. I would write these stories as warm up
to my main novels, or when my main stories were starting the lag, I would take
a break and write these stories. Most of the time, I would use the stories to understand
a new world or the characters I was building but again, they weren’t meant to
be much of anything.
And yet, these stories are the main
source of my writing most you get to read. Okay, not most of you but all of you
get to read my work through this means, and I want to give you something
better. I have to also start thinking about how these stories are reflecting on
my goal to get published. I’m sure many agents or publishers have come across
my stories on Writer’s Cafe, and I want them to start seeing my better work.
I’m not a shame for what I have put
up on the web. I have put a lot of work, not as much that is needed to make
them better, but a good bit in the stories you guys have read. I have put out a
great amount of work weekly, and that is not to say anything about the stories
I haven’t put up yet.
So, I’m taking a little break to
work on one good story for you guys, and I’m going to take the time to make it
good, but that means you won’t get as much work form me as normal. I will still
write blogs and maybe, letters from Brain Redtales,
but for the most part, there is going to be a hiatus for a while.
I still plan on posting on Sundays
and Wednesdays, but it might not be weekly, or at least, it will be until Dead
Moon warps up, but afterward, there will be a break. I hope you will stay here
with me during this little break in my writing and I hope you will come back
for something better and greater than I have been putting out. Trust me there
is something fun and great coming down the pile line just keep the faith and
keep reading.
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