A dyslexic writer laughing at himself ...

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tonight, I’m gonna lay right here

“Tonight, I’m gonna lay right here and lookup. I like it.”

-          John Steinbeck ‘Of Mice and Men’

Has anyone actually read the book or just seen the movie in high school? I think I gave away which one I forced to do in high school; we watched the movie, which might be a shame. Did you know the title of the book comes from a poem called ‘To a Mouse’ by Robert Burns; not sure who that cat is, but the poem is all right, I guess, the best thing to come from it was the book, if you ask me, which you did not. We are not here to talk about Of Mice and Men. We are here to talk about my Kickstarter.
                I have a little habit of writing advice to myself about my writing and my life in my journal. Sometimes, I share it on Twitter, but most of the time I keep it to myself. I can’t recall if I post this little bit of advice or not, but it goes like this ---

Writing advice 37: Let life get in the way; if you can only write for 30 mins a day or 8 hours, it's okay, but let life get in the way, you never know what stories might come from it.

                And oh boy has life gotten in the way of my writing along with other things. Of course, this is not a bad thing by any means. I mean as a writer – as a person – I am meant to live life. I am meant to have the good and the bad of everyday life. I will not bend the truth here (which some of would call a lie); the dull days as of late are getting a little too me. I am used to having something different happen every day, but I’m working through it. After all, if I want this writing thing to be my main job then it will be a lot of dull days of me sitting alone with my screen.
                Speaking of writing, I like to set myself goals when it comes to my craft.
1.       Writer 1000 words a day
2.       Have book done in this amount of time
3.       Edit no less than an hour a day
4.       Write
5.       Read
6.       Write some more
You know simple goals. One of my goals was to have the Kickstarter project up and running by
October 14th, which is Monday. However, it doesn’t look like that will be happening.
                My sister is the one helping me with the video, everything is filmed and sent to her. She is editing and putting it together for me as we speak (or, well, as you read this). It will be done soon, but her life has gotten in the way of her craft. My brother-in-law had back surgery done a few weeks ago. It is why the first deadline of the Kickstarter had to be moved back. Last week he got an infection and had to be taken back to the hospital for an overnight stay. He is out now and is doing better, but it kind of put everything we were planning on having done off schedule.
                Instead of getting upset at the setback, I have used the time to work out more problems with the project. I have written and edited the project description a good dozen times now. I have been sending out e-mails to help with getting a better grasp on what to expect when the project is launched.
                The setbacks have given me more time to work on the things which need to be worked out. Any project like this will have setbacks, some small, some big, but all of them can be overcome with hard work.
                I might even have to re-shoot some of the videos, which won’t be a big problem. The longer I take my time on the Kickstarter the better it will become. I still have goals that need to be met, it just the timetable has been moved a bit.
                Life is has gone in the way.
                And like I said, I’m seeing the setback as more time given to me for what needs to get done. I love having goals, but none of them are written in stone. It is something I have to remember. Somedays, I get stressed out about not having everything up and running, but I tell myself, this gives me time to work out the problems.
                I hope to have the Kickstarter up and running by the end of the month. I’m not going to set a date or time as of right now because every time I do, things get moved around. The best I can say is I hope it will be live at the end of the month.
                I’m learning some nice life lessons here.
                I’ll keep you guys updated with everything going with my project, but I have faith this Kickstarter is going to be great. I know it will be successful when it is up and running. I also see success in many lights, but I have a great feeling about what is coming down the pile line. I hope you stick around with me to see what we can do together, and I hope the setbacks don’t upset you. We have to look at the setbacks as a blessing, more time given to get everything right.


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