A dyslexic writer laughing at himself ...

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Inspire to Victory

Dear Reader,
“Tum Ad Victoria.”

                I normally write letters on Sunday; as you might not know that is the day I take a break from writing, and it’s the only day out of the week where I do not work on my novels. Instead, I write letters, edit, and go to church but I’m writing to you on a Thursday moments before it becomes Friday because I have something to tell you.
                I suppose I should start with the point of why my blogs have been in the forms of letters lately. I find it easier to write letters and to imagine I’m talking to one person instead of the endless void of the net. There is something personal in a letter as we know and I feel I do my best writing when I'm personal. I like the idea of reaching out be on the page and the screen and touching someone with my words. I image it can happen even through time because it has happened to me once before.
                You see, my friend, the first love of reading I had comes from Van Gogh’s letters. His words reached out through the void of time and implant a great love for reading letters in my heart. His words felt like magic because I could and did relate to the ink on the pages. I found a love for Van Gogh far greater in his words than I ever did in his paintings. I love his paintings, and they are moving, but his letters showed me the real person behind the heavenly paintings.
                There something magical and romantic about a letter when I write them. I can let more emotion bleed into my words, in turn making them more powerful (at least to me on those late nights). It is why I take some much care in crafting my letters. Most the time I write them hours before I put pen to paper and let the idea of the words lingers in my mind all day and then when it is late at night where the emotions are raw and the dust of the day has been blown away I pour my words out with black ink to you.
                I fear the art of writing letters is a dying and I’m trying to save a little. I’m trying to bring the art back from the dead so very much that I handwritten this letter out before typing it up. Sadly, you’ll never get to read the letter the way I meant it to be read. I wish for you to see the ink and smell the paper but at least fate will not allow it to be so. We’ll have to do with the conditions thrust upon us, and hopefully, you can enjoy my letter anyways.
                Another matter in which I must commit on is the grammar and spelling of my letters (blogs). Outside of the affliction upon me by my mind in the not so subtle ways of my dyslexia, I want a real rawness to my words. I do use some help to fix my spelling and grammar. I have many tools at hand for combating my dyslexia, but I’m not having anyone look over it before I send (post) it to you.
                I guess, if I did have someone read over my letter it would lose its impact for me. I send letters out all the time, and those words are solely for the receiver. It is the same way here, even those many people will and can read my letters. The letter you read is meant solely for you and you alone.
                So, I wish to give them to you unfiltered with all the nasty that comes with it. I do swear when I send (post) some of my stories to you they will be heavily edited and read over multiple times by me and others. I have in the works some short stories to be sent out for you to read. I’ve spent the last few months filling a notebook up with the ideas burning in my mind. You have seen a glimpse of these ideas in my previous letters.
                I have realized I’m not so great at writing short stories, but you shall see soon enough some those stories and can make your judgment on the matter yourself.
                My work – my craft which I’ve given my all to sits on a shelf in my room gathering love from the dust as if someday, someone is going to knock on my door saying, “I hear you are a writer. You have anything for me to read?” And I would give over my work and become a writer who puts food in his belly with his words.
                What a great dream, huh? If only the world worked like that, but it does not. So, I can’t sit around waiting for this dream to show up at my door I have to go out and drag it to my door. And here I am at the crossroads of what to do. I have been debating with myself for a while about what my next move so going to be and maybe, that is why I’m writing to you now. I am putting my idea and debate to paper to understand what I am thinking to myself fully.
                I’m going to try my hand at self-publishing. I have been doing a lot of researches on the matter, and for now, I think it is the best way for me to move forward with my art.
                I have goals with self-publishing, little to do with money, and I will not get into them now for the sake of time. I also have a plan in which to do this, but the main reason I’m writing to you is to tell you- I wish to bring you along with me on this journey. I’m going to try my best to have you walk with me through the process. I will sit at your table where to we can feast together on successes and will drink a beer over my defeats, but I want you to be there with me. It will be a long and hard road, but I know with your help I can and will do what the Lord has put in the world to accomplish. The fact I have penned my desire to paper means the idea has been come solid in my mind where there is no backing down now. The pieces are being moved into place, and there is no changing their course. Either way, if I failed or succeed in my endeavor, there will be a great story at the end of it. I hope you choose to be a part of that story.

With a Handshake,

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