A dyslexic writer laughing at himself ...

Monday, January 29, 2018

Your Lucky Day in Hell Part 5

Your Lucky Day in Hell
Part 5
By: Chase L. Currie

Thanatos sat down beside the fire staring at her waiting for her to the same. A moment after the magic of the light faded back to a normal sight as if she had seen all this a thousand time before; she sat beside him.
                “How long have you been here?” He asked.
                “A night, I believe,” she told him.
                “You plan on staying?” He asked.
                “I don’t know,” she said. “Hades is mad at me.”
                “My bother?”
                “He tricked me in a dream,” she said looking into the fire seeing herself sitting in this same spot lifetimes ago.
                “You think you would learn by now,” Thanatos said with a smirk, “and you think Hades would be more forgiving over all this time.”
                “You would think.”
                “Ah, oh well, the one key thing to remember is he loves you,” he said. “At the end of the day, that’s all that matters.”
                “Does he love me?” She asked. “It feels like it should be true. In fact, it feels more real than anything before, but how do I do know it to be true?”
                “You want the hard or easy answer,” Thanatos said with a smile.
                He nodded and then calmly said, “Faith.”
                “Faith?” She asked cocking an eyebrow. She didn’t much believe in God or anything that people of faith had to offer her in the human world.
                “Yup,” he said. “You have to have faith that he loves you like no other.”
                “What’s the hard answer?”
                Thanatos laughed. “Faith.”
                Paige sighed deeply not sure if she likes him or not, but he was quickly growing on her.
                “I could tell you Hades spent all his time painting pictures of you,” he said.
                “Saw them.”
                “And I could tell you he never took another soul as his wife or even thought of another person. That you were all he cared about and cared for,” he said. “I could tell you all of this and more, but it would mean nothing without the faith behind it.”
                “That easy huh?” She asked holding her chin in her hands.
                “And that hard.”
                “He said I got lost in the human world,” she said. “Is that right?”
                “Yes and no,” Thanatos said. “My brother tricked you after he got angry at Hades.”
                “Over what?” She asked.
                “Hades bested him a game of cards.”
                “You have to be shitting me?” Paige asked. “All of this over a game?”
                “Men have done worst for smaller infractions,” Thanatos said.
                Something never changed even if the men were gods. She stared at the fire a little longer watching herself in flames. She could keep feeling sorry for herself or change her satiation, she picked the latter and jumped to her feet.
                “Good to know the gods are assholes.”
                “More than you’ll ever know.”
                “Alright tell me how I get my memory back?” She asked the god of death.
                He grinned up at her and told her, “We have to find Gabriel, he would know.”

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